Specialized lectures

Spring 2024/2025 (semester starts March 3rd, 2025)

Registration is open (via eDziekanat)

Lectures in the discipline of astronomy are offered within collaboration of GeoPlanet Doctoral School, Warsaw-4-PhD, Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Warsaw and The Graduate School of Physics and Chemistry of the NCBJ. For the two lectures below, register also using this form.

  • Physical optics and application to long-baseline interferometry, dr Vincent  Hocdé (CAMK PAN)
    Date and time: Thursdays, 11:00-13:00; form: in-person (at CAMK PAN, small seminar room) and Zoom upon justified request; First lecture: March 6th
    Course syllabus
  • Introduction to Modern Cosmology, dr hab. Wojciech Hellwing, prof. CFT PAN
    Date and time: Tuesdays, 15:45-17:00; form: in-person (room D,  Institute of Physics, PAS, Al. Lotników, Warsaw) and Zoom upon justified request; First lectures: March 5th/12th, 16:00-18:00 (exceptionally on Wednesday and at CAMK PAN, seminar room)
    Course syllabus
  • Isotope Analysis in Geosciences, dr inż. Alicja Wudarska – course leader (ING PAN)
    Date and time: Mondays, 14:15-15:45; form: on-line; First lecture: March, 3rd
    Course syllabus
  • [CANCELED] Computer programming in geoscience applications, prof. dr hab. Mariusz Majdański (IGF PAN)
    Date and time: Thursdays, 10:00-12:30; form: in-person at IGF PAN, room 516; First lecture: March 6th
    Course syllabus
  • Critical Synthesis of Contemporary Scientific Achievements: Introduction to Geophysics, coordinated by dr hab. Łukasz Rudziński, prof IGF PAN
    Date and time: April, 1st-3rd. See syllabus for details; form: in-person at IGF PAN; First lecture: April 1st
    Course syllabus
  • Typesetting scientific documents with LaTeX, dr inż. Piotr Klejment (IGF PAN)
    Date and time: Fridays, 14:00-15:30 (five lectures); form: in person at IGF PAN, room 106c; First lecture: April 4th
    Course syllabus

All icons created by Freepik – Flaticon


Autumn 2024/2025 (semester ends Feb 14th, 2025)

Registration closed

  • Basic Space Physics, prof. dr hab. Jan Błęcki (CBK PAN)
    Date and time: Thursdays, 10:00-12:30; form: on-site in CBK PAN and online; First lecture: Oct 24th
    Course syllabus  – lecture postponed to spring semester
  • The Basics of Space Projects, dr inż. Konrad R. Skup (CBK PAN)
    Date and time: Wednesdays, 09:00-11:00; form: on-site in CBK PAN and online; First lecture: Nov 6th
    Course syllabus

Lectures in the discipline of astronomy are offered within collaboration of GeoPlanet Doctoral School, Warsaw-4-PhD, Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Warsaw and The Graduate School of Physics and Chemistry of the NCBJ

  • Accretion processes in astrophysics, prof. dr hab. Bożena Czerny (CFT PAN)
    lecture in the series “Selected topics in theoretical physics”
    Date and time: Thursdays, 16:15-18:15; form: in-person (at OA UW, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, Warsaw) and Zoom upon justified request; First lecture: Oct 10th
    Course syllabus
  • Introduction to Cosmology, prof. dr hab. Marek Demiański (OA UW)
    Date and time: Thursdays, 10:00-12:00; form: in-person (at CAMK PAN, seminar room) and Zoom upon justified request; First lecture: Oct 10th
    Course syllabus, Course website
  • Numerical simulations of accretion discs, Drs. Bhupendra Mishra and Miljenko Cemeljic (CAMK PAN)
    Date and time: Mondays, 13:30-15:30; form: in-person (at CAMK PAN, seminar room) and Zoom upon justified request; First lecture: Oct 7th
    Course syllabus
  • Hydrodynamics equations in geophysical problems, Prof. Grzegorz Łukaszewicz (MIMUW) and dr hab. Krzysztof Mizerski (IGF PAN)
    Date and time: Wed, 12:00-14:00 (room 3220), Thu 10:15-12:00; form: in-person, at Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics UW, ul. Banacha 2, room 5450;
    First lecture: Oct 9th
    Course syllabus
  • Radioisotope detection techniques and their application in environmental geochemistry, Dr. Ilona Sekudewicz – course leader (ING PAN), prof. dr hab. Jerzy Mietelski (IFJ PAN)
    and prof. dr Agata Zaborska (IO PAN)
    Date and time: Tuesdays, 12:30; form: online; First lecture: Oct 22nd, 2024
    Course syllabus
  • Clastic Sedimentology, Dr. Aleksander Kowalski
    Date and time: Mondays, 15:30; form: on-line; First lecture: Oct 28th, 2024
    Course syllabus
  • Structural geological interpretation of reflection seismic, Dr. Oscar Fernandez
    A block of lectures and exercises during 3 to 4 days, on-site in Warsaw; The realisation of the lecture depends on the number of students signed up.
    Course syllabus
  • Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, dr inż. Piotr Klejment (IGF PAN)
    Date and time: Fridays, 13:30 – 15:50 (8 lectures); form: hybrid, in-person IGF PAN (room 106C) and online (Teams); First lecture: Nov 8th
    Course syllabus

All icons created by Freepik – Flaticon


Spring 2023/2024 (semester starts Feb. 26th)

Registration closed
  • Star Cluster Dynamics and Evolution, prof. dr hab. Mirosław Giersz, dr Abbas Askar
    Tuesdays, 11:30, CAMK PAN + Zoom (hybrid lecture). First lecture: March, 5th 2024
    Course syllabus
  • Planetology, prof. Hans Rickman
    March 21; April 4, 18; May 9, 23; June 6, 20; online. First lecture: March, 7th 2024, 10:00-12:00
    Course syllabus
  • Historia geosystemu / History of Geosystem, prof. dr hab. Marek Lewandowski (IGF PAN)
    Date and time: 4-7 March 2024, 14:00-15:30, in-person IGF PAN, First lecture: March 4th
    Course syllabus
  • Methods and Frontiers in Micropaleontology, prof. dr hab. Jarosław Tyszka, ING PAN – course leader
    date & time: Wednesdays, 10:00, via Zoom, first lecture: Feb 28th 2024
    Course syllabus



Autumn 2023/2024

Registration closed; links for online lecture are collected in “eDziekanat”.
  • Introduction to Astrophysics, dr hab. Krzysztof Nalewajko, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Belczyński, prof. dr hab. Ewa Łokas, dr Stanisław Bajtlik
    Tuesdays, 11:00-13:00, CAMK PAN + Zoom (hybrid lecture). First lecture: October 3rd
    Course syllabus, Course website
  • Basic Space Physics, prof. dr hab. Jan Błęcki
    Thursdays, 10:00-12:30, online. First lecture: October 19th
    Course syllabus
  • Introduction to general relativity, Dr hab. Mikołaj Korzyński, prof. CFT PAN
    Tuesdays, 9:00-11:00, on-line via Zoom, First lecture: October, 3rd
    Course syllabus, Course website
  • Hydrodynamics equations in geophysical problems, Prof. Grzegorz Łukaszewicz (MIMUW) and dr hab. Krzysztof Mizerski (IGF PAN)
    Wednesdays, 16:15-18:00 (room 5870, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics UW, ul. Banacha 2)
    Thursdays, 10:15-12:00 (room 5450, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics UW, ul. Banacha 2)
    First lecture: October 4th
    Course syllabus
  • Introduction to Seismology, Dr hab. Grzegorz Lizurek, prof. PAN
    date & time: 27.11, 4.12, 11.12, 14:00, online via Teams
    Course syllabus
  • Elements of scientific programming with Python, dr inż. Piotr Klejment
    date & time: Fridays, 13:30-15:50, in IGF PAN (room 106c) and online. First lecture: November 10th
    Course syllabus
  • Geology in Anthropocene: alternative raw materials, human influence and other topics-challenges in the modern world, dr hab. Łukasz Kruszewski, prof. ING PAN
    date & time: Wednesdays, 17:00, on-line, first lecture: October 18th
    Course syllabus


Spring 2022/2023

Registration for all courses will be carried out through the “eDziekanat” system
  • Experimental search for dark matter, dr hab. Marcin Kuźniak, dr Masayuki Wada
    Tuesdays, 11:00-13:00, CAMK PAN + Zoom (hybrid lecture). First lecture: February, 28th, 2023
    Course syllabus
  • The basics of space projects technology, dr hab. Piotr Orleański
    Fridays, 09:30-12:45, online. First lecture: March, 10th, 2023
    Course syllabus
  • Selected topics of theoretical physics: Introduction to Electrodynamics and Theory of Relativity, Prof. Jerzy Kijowski, CFT PAN
    Wednesdays, 16:00-18:00, room D at CFT PAN, First lecture: February 22nd
    Course syllabus
  • Probabilistic Inverse theory, prof. dr hab. Wojciech Dębski,
    Course syllabus
    Wednesdays, 9:00-10.30 at CAMK PAN. First lecture: March, 8th
  • Typesetting scientific documents with LaTeX, dr inż. Piotr Klejment,
    Course syllabus
    Mondays, 13:00-14:30 (on 3rd, 17th, 24th April and 8th, 15th May), online. First lecture: April 3rd
  • Mathematical approaches in description of turbulent flows, dr hab. Krzysztof Mizerski,
    Tuesdays, 13:15-15:00, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University, room 2.12
    Course syllabus
  • Hydromagnetic dynamo theory in geo- and astrophysics 2, dr hab. Krzysztof Mizerski,
    Tuesdays, 11:15-13:00, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University, room 2.12 (lecture)
    Wednesdays, 15:15-17:00, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University, room 2.94 (exercises)
    Course syllabus
  • Modelling of hydrological processes, Prof. dr hab. inż. Jarosław Napiórkowski, dr Emilia Karamuz, dr hab. Michael Nones, prof. PAN, dr inż. Iwona Kuptel-Markiewicz, dr hab. inż. Monika Kalinowska, prof. PAN, dr hab. inż. Magdalena Mrokowska, prof. PAN
    March 20th: 12:00-16:45, March 21st: 09:30-16:30, March 23rd: 09:00-14:30
    Course syllabus
  • Modern view on earthquakes and seismicity, dr hab. Piotr Senatorski,
    Course syllabus
    Date & time: Tuesdays,11am, online. First lecture: March, 14th (note: no lecture on March 28th)
  • Application of seismic data in sedimentary basin analysis and tectonics, dr hab. inż. Piotr Krzywiec (registrtation in Feb 2023)
    Course syllabus
    Three-day workshop: 5, 6 & 7 June 2023


Autumn 2022/2023

  • The Universe in X-rays, Telescopes, Observations and Theory, prof. dr hab. Agata Różańska
    Date and time: Thursdays, 10am at CAMK Warsaw + Zoom; first lecture: October 27th
    Course syllabus, registrtation closed
  • Basic Space Physics / Elementy fizyki przestrzeni kosmicznej, prof. dr hab. Jan Błęcki
    Date and time: Tuesdays, 12:00, first lecture: October 18th
    Course syllabus, to register email the lecturer
  • Mathematical methods:
    part 1: Stochastic modeling of time series, selected problems,
    prof. dr hab. Aleksander Brzeziński, course syllabus
    part2: Spectral analysis methods of filtering and prediction, prof. Wiesław Kosek, course syllabus
    to register email the lecturer
    Mondays, 15:00-17.00, on-line (Zoom)
    first lecture: October 24th
  • Planetology, prof. dr hab. Hans Rickman
    to register email the lecturer
  • Introduction to Quantum Optics, prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Maria Rzążewski
    Fridays, 9:15-11:00am, in-person, IF PAN (al. Lotników 32/46, Warsaw) room D;
    first lecture: October 14th
    Course syllabus; to register: attend first lecture
  • Hydromagnetic dynamo theory in geo- and astrophysics 1, dr hab. Krzysztof Mizerski
    lectures: Mondays 13:15-15:00, room 1.37, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University, first lecture: October 10th
    exercises: Wednesdays 15:15-17:00, room 2.25, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University
    Course syllabus, to register email to School coordinator in IGF

 Syllabi for all courses. Registration is closed.

  • Introduction to river morphodynamics, dr hab. Michael Nones
  • Computer programming in geoscience applications, dr hab. Mariusz Majdański
  • Understanding probability, dr hab Mariusz Białecki
  • Data Science and Machine Learning for Geoscientists and Engineers, dr Qamar Yasin
  • Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, dr Piotr Klejment
  • Global tectonics and paleogeographic reconstructions, prof. dr hab. Stanisław Mazur
    Date and time: Fridays, 10am, on-line via Zoom; first lecture: October 21st
    Course syllabus, to register email School coordinator in ING by October 18th


Lecture archive:

Spring 2021/2022

  • Cosmic Magnetic Fields, dr hab. Krzysztof Nalewajko, Tuesdays, 11:15 am, website, registration closed.
  • Metody matematyczne, in Polish, prof. dr hab. Wiesław Kosek – continuation
  • Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, prof. dr hab. Iwo Białynicki-Birula. Course syllabus.
    Mondays, 10am (lecture starts Feb 28th). Registration closed.
    (Lecture organised in Warsaw4PhD Doctoral schools. GeoPlanet students are invited to participate)

Syllabi for all courses. Registration closed.

  • Introduction to river morphodynamics, Michael Nones
  • Seismology and structure of the Earth, dr hab. Mariusz Majdański
  • Numerical Methods with Python, dr inż. Piotr Klejment
  • Teoria dynama hydromagnetycznego w geo- i astrofizyce – część II, dr hab. Krzysztof Mizerski, Mondays 13:15, Wednesdays 15:15, Physics Department of the Warsaw University, room 1.37. Course syllabus; To register, email the lecturer.


Autumn 2021/2022

  • Planetology, prof. dr hab. Hans Rickman, registration closed
  • Technologie satelitarne, dr hab. Piotr Orleański, registration closed
  • Fizyka kosmiczna, in Polish, prof. dr hab. Jan Błęcki, registration closed
  • Metody matematyczne, in Polish, prof. dr hab. Aleksander Brzeziński, registration closed
  • Selected topics of theoretical physics I : General relativity, Prof. Paweł Nurowski, Wednesdays 15:00-17:00, registration closed

Syllabi for all courses. Registration closed.

  • Enhancing datasets management with SQL, dr inż. Piotr Klejment
  • Opportunities for funding and networking for young researchers, dr hab. Michael Nones
  • ntroduction to Nonlinearity, dr hab. Mariusz Białecki, prof. IGF PAN
  • Seismology and active seismic, dr hab. Mariusz Majdański
  • Contmeporary geophysics – Introduction to Seismology, dr hab. Grzegorz Lizurek
  • Teoria dynama hydromagnetycznego w geo- i astrofizyce, dr hab. Krzysztof Mizerski
  • Current issues and methodology in geochemistry, dr hab. Łukasz Kruszewski, Wednesdays, 12:00 (start in November). Registration closed. Course syllabus.

Spring 2020/2021


  • The utmost beauty of geometry:pulsars, Dr hab. Jarosław Dyks, website
  • Numerical simulations with PLUTO code, Dr. Miljenko Cemeljic, website


  • Series of lectures on quantum computer science; website
  • Outreach lab; dr hab. Krzysztof Pawłowski, dr Jacek Szczepkowski


  • Basics of satellite imagery processing, dr Daniel Kępski
  • Anthropogenic seismicity, prof. dr hab. inż. Beata Orlecka-Sikora
  • Seismological Data – seismic networks, available formats and catalog description, dr hab. Łukasz Rudziński


  • Environmental changes during Quaternary, dr hab. Maciej Krajcarz

Autumn 2020/2021


  • Gravitational Waves, Dr hab. Michał Bejger, website


  • Selected topics of theoretical physics I: Modern Developments in quantum computing, Adam Sawicki, Michał Oszmaniec
  • Compact groups and their representations, dr hab. Adam Sawicki, mgr Oskar Słowik
  • Introduction to Atomic Physics, dr hab. Emilia Witkowska, dr hab. Krzysztof Pawłowski, website


  • Computer programming in geoscience applications, dr hab. Mariusz Majdański
  • Introduction to Machine Learning, dr Piotr Klejment
  • Inverse Theory – a modern methods of data analysis, Prof. Wojciech Dębski


  • Isotope geology, dr hab. Robert Anczkiewicz
  • Global tectonics and paleogeographic reconstructions, prof. dr hab. Stanisław Mazur