The Institute of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences is a scientific institution representing the mainstream of Polish basic research in the field of Earth geology. Currently, the Institute specializes in geosystem research, with particular emphasis on interactions between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere in the domain of geological time. The research also covers the objects of cosmic matter whose origin and evolution have significantly influenced and still influences the development of our planet.
The Institute employs about 120 people (including over 50 research workers) and is a member of the most important international geological bodies.
As a member of the GeoPlanet Doctoral School the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences conducts doctoral studies in geology. The course lasts 4 years, is conducted in English and ends with a doctoral dissertation. During the course the student attends lectures and participates in research under the supervision of a research tutor.
Recruitment to the GeoPlanet Doctoral School is carried out in the form of competition.
A person who has a master’s degree, a master’s degree in engineering or an equivalent degree may apply for the Doctoral School.
The candidate should select a research topic from the list below under the title proposal of research topics and contact with a potential supervisor.
The documents should be sent:
COMPETITION No. 1 – Acronym: “CSO: Poland” – between 15th June 2022 and 15th July 2022.
COMPETITION No. 2 – Acronym: “ DDB” – between 21st June 2022 and 21st July 2022.
COMPETITION No. 3 – Acronym: “PKB” – between 21st June 2022 and 21st July 2022.
Documents should be sent only in electronic form in one PDF file by sending it to the e-mail address: rekrutacja_ingpan@twarda.pan.pl and to the address of the scientific supervisior indicated in the selected from PROPOSAL OF DISSERTATION TOPICS. In the title of the message, please enter the acronym of the selected research topic.
Required documents:
- Application to the doctoral school with the agreement for the processing of personal data for the purposes of the recruitment and the information that the candidate has accepted the Recruitment Regulations for the GeoPlanet Doctoral School. Application to the DS GeoPlanet
- A copy of the master’s diploma or a certificate of the completion of the master studies. Note: If the candidate does not have the abovementioned documents, she/he is expected to provide them before the admission to the doctoral school.
- A list of the university marks obtained during the first and second degree studies or a list of marks obtained during the master’s studies.
- A curriculum vitae completed by the information about the education and employment career.CV form
- A cover letter containing a short description of scientific interests, scientific achievements, list of publications, information on involvement in scientific activity (membership in university scientific associations, participation in scientific conferences, internships and trainings, awards and distinctions) and justification of the decision to undertake education in the Doctoral School. A cover letter form
- Certificates or other documents proving the level of English proficiency, if the candidate possesses them.
- At least one recommendation letter from the current academic supervisor or other academic staff about the candidate’s current scientific activity.
Note: Do not sent any extra documents! Documents should be sent in one PDF file in order as above (1-7). The documents sent in other form will not be considered by the recruitment committee.
The recruitment process consists of two stages:
Stage 1 – evaluation of the provided documents
- scientific achievements of the candidate (0-5 points) based on university marks, scientific and pop-science publications, patent applications, awards and distinctions resulting from scientific research or student activity, scholarships;
- candidate’s scientific and professional experience (0-5 points) based on participation in conferences, workshops, training and internships, participation in research and commercial projects, involvement in societies and research clubs.
The candidate must obtain 6 points minimum in the first stage, so to be qualified for the second stage.
Stage 2 – an interview evaluated by the recruitment committee
- candidate’s knowledge of the discipline represented by the Institute (0-3 points);
- knowledge of the subject within the selected research topic chosen by the candidate (0-3 points);
- motivation and predisposition to the scientific work (0-4 points).
Candidates who obtain less than 11 points in total will not be accepted.
The Institute will inform candidates about the results within 14 days from the day of the last interview.
If the number of candidates admitted to the Doctoral School proves smaller than expected by the date of the end of the recruitment, the Institute will announce the supplementary recruitment.
Please note, that the financial conditions offered in the recruitment ads are regular scholarships at this stage of the scientific career in Poland.
Unless it is stated differently in the particular proposal of the PhD subject, the basic scholarship is 2100 PLN (Polish zloty) per month (ca. 500 USD) – value after tax. After two years of the studies the basic scholarship rises to 3200 PLN (value after tax), provided that you pass the mid-term evaluation (see the regulations attached).
Apart from basic scholarship there is a variety of possibilities to increase the amount of your scholarship by applying for internal and external grants. Please discuss this issue with your supervisor.
Please be aware that the Institute of Geological Sciences does not participate in costs of your relocation to Poland and settling down here. Therefore you should be financially prepared to cover the travelling costs, renting a flat/room and for living for a few weeks until first money will top up your Polish account (we try to be as fast as possible, but we cannot overcome unexpected administrative problems).
For additional information contact with:
Prof. Edyta Zawisza – The Coordinator of the GeoPlanet Doctoral School in the Institute of Geological Science PAS, e.zawisza@twarda.pan.pl.pl
M.Sc. Elżbieta Gogacz – Scientific Information Office, Senior Expert for the Scientific Secretariat and Administration Institute of Geological Science PAS, e.gogacz@twarda.pan.pl