Interdisciplinary lectures

Autumn 2024/2025 (semester ends Feb 14th, 2025)

Registration is open till October 6th, 2024

  • Introduction to Complex Systems, Dr hab. Mariusz Białecki (IGF PAN)
    date and time: Tuesdays, 9:00-12:00; form: in-person (IGF PAN, room 213) + online; first lecture: Nov 12th, 2024
    Course syllabus



Lecture archive:

Spring 2023/2024

  • Introduction to Nonlinear Physics, prof. dr hab. Łukasz Turski (CFT PAN)
    date and time: Mondays, 11:00, online only. First lecture: March 11th
    Course syllabus
  • Advanced statistical methods and bayesian inference in scientific research, prof. dr hab. Wojciech Dębski (IGF PAN)
    lecture: Mondays, 13:00-15:00 at CAMK PAN (small seminar room) + Zoom. First lecture: March 11th
    exercises: Fridays, 14:00-15:30 at IGF PAN + online. First exercises: March 22nd
    Course syllabus

Autumn 2023/2024

  • Space Robotics, dr hab. Karol Seweryn, prof. dr hab. Jerzy Sąsiadek (CBK PAN)
    date & time: Mondays, 10:00-12:15 and Wednesdays, 16:00-18:15; form: hybrid, first lecture: Wed, November, 15th, 16:00
    Course syllabus

Spring 2022/2023 (the semester starts February 27th)

  • Scientist’s ABC, workshop, dr hab. Edyta Zawisza (ING PAN)
    Full day workshop at ING PAN (in person only): March, 28th, 2023 (Tuesday)
    Course syllabus
  • From Research Ideas to Winning Grant Proposals: A Workshop, Prof. Valentina Lepri, Dr. Katarzyna Rusinek-Abarca (IFiS PAN),
    Full day workshop at CAMK PAN (in person only): March, 24th, 2023 (Friday), 10:00-13:30
    Course syllabus, detailed description
  • Philosophy of Science, Dr Łukasz Lamża,
    Fridays, 12:45, via Zoom. First lecture: March, 3rd
    Course syllabus
  • Introduction to hydrogeology and sustainable groundwater management – interdisciplinary lecture at PIG-PIB
    course coordinator: dr inż. Anna Kuczyńska,
    Wednesdays, 10:00am
    ; online. first lecture: March 8th
    Course syllabus

Autumn 2022/2023

  • Scientist’s ABC, lecture: How to successfully apply for the financing of research projects as well as present and publish scientific research results, prof. Stanisław Lasocki (IGF PAN)
    Dates: November 16th (4h), December 7th (3h) and December 21st (3h)
    Course syllabus, registration closed (deadline: October 18th)
  • Selected issues of Man-Environment relations, Prof. Jerzy Solon, Dr Jarosław Cebulski,  Prof. Łukasz Wiejaczka, Dr Dariusz Brykała, Dr Izabela Zawiska, Prof. Michał Słowiński, Prof. Magdalena Kuchcik, Dr Andrzej Affek,
    Tuesdays, 10 am, on-line, first lecture: October 25th.
    GeoPlanet interdisciplinary lecture IGiPZ PAN, course syllabus, registration closed (deadline: October 18th)

Spring 2021/2022

  • All you want to know about climate change and its impact from the ocean perspective, by Profs Jacek Piskozub, Jan Marcin Węsławski, Joanna Piwowarczyk, Tymon Zielinski , interdisciplinary lecture at IO PAN,Thursdays, 10:00am, first lecture: March 3rd, lecture website, registration closed
  • Selected topics in cosmology, by Dr. Stanisław Bajtlik , interdisciplinary lecture at CAMK PAN, Wednesdays, 14:15, first lecture: March 2nd, lecture website, registration closed

Autumn 2021/2022

Spring 2020/2021

  • Philosophy of Science, by Dr Łukasz Lamża, lecture website
  • Geology: modern advances and most interesting finds, by Prof. Łukasz Kruszewski, interdisciplinary lecture at ING PAN, lecture website
  • Scientist’s ABC, lecture: How to successfully apply for the financing of research projects as well as present and publish scientific research results, by Prof. Stanisław Lasocki, lecture website
  • Scientist’s ABC, workshop: From idea to presentation. How to talk about your research in an interesting way, by Michał Pająk, workshop website

Autumn 2020/2021

  • Theory of Continuous Media, by Prof. Łukasz Turski, interdisciplinary lecture at CFT PAN, lecture website
  • Basic Space Physics, by Prof. Jan Błęcki, interdisciplinary lecture at CBK PAN, lecture website

Spring 2019/2020

  • Dynamic Earth, by Prof. Stanisław Lasocki, intedisciplinary lecture at IGF PAN
  • Advanced statistical methods in scientific research, by Prof. Krzysztof Kochanek