The agreement on the accession of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) joining to the GeoPlanet Doctoral School was signed in September 2022. PGI-NRI will educate doctoral students in the discipline of Earth and environmental sciences, starting from the academic year of 2022/2023.
PGI-NRI has a legal status of Research and Development Unit and National Research Institute, and it is supervised by the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The headquarters of PGI-NRI is located in Warsaw. Seven regional branches scattered across Poland stretch from Carpathian Branch in Kraków, Holy Cross Mountains Branch in Kielce, Lower Silesian Branch in Wrocław, Marine Geology Branch in Gdańsk, Pomeranian Branch in Szczecin to Upper Silesian Branch in Sosnowiec and Lublin Regional Geology Laboratory.
There are 21 staff members at PGI-NRI holding a D.Sc. degree, including 10 full professors, and 135 staff members with a Ph.D. degree. About 100 research projects are carried out at PGI-NRI, involving projects funded from the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Science Centre, the National Center for Research and Development, and several European and other international funding agencies. More than 120 JCR-indexed papers are authored yearly by researchers from PGI-NRI, including articles in high profile journals such as Precambrian Research, Science, Nature Geoscience, and Scientific Reports. PGI-NRI has a long history of publishing high-quality geological books, journals, maps, and touristic guides. The Geological Quarterly has been issued since 1957 at PGI-NRI and, at present, is the leading Earth sciences journal in Poland. PGI-NRI is often involved in organizing international conferences.
By fulfilling the tasks of the Polish Geological Survey (PGS) and the Polish Hydrogeological Survey (PHS), PGI-NRI ensures the safety of the State in three main aspects: energy, raw material supply and ecology. While surveying Poland’s geological setting and natural resources, it emphasizes the role of underground space management for the development of the national economy. PGI-NRI monitors and predicts such phenomena as flooding, droughts, and landslides, which may pose a threat to society and infrastructure.
Main research areas of PGI-NRI include Sedimentary Basins & Petroleum Systems Analysis, Regional Geology, Geothermal Energy, Geophysics, Natural Hazards, Environmental Geology, Engineering Geology, Tectonics, Paleontology, Hydrogeology, Marine Geology, Quaternary Geology, Geological Mapping and 3-D Structure Modeling, and Geological Processes Modelling.
PGI-NRI actively participates in the international forum. A priority in the area of cooperation includes activities within the EuroGeoSurveys and joint implementation of projects ordered by the European Commission.
The geological information collected by PGI-NRI consists of Geological archives of almost 650 thousand documents and nearly 900 thousand running meters of drill cores, databases such as Central Geological Database, Hydrogeological Data Bank and Central Geoengineering Database. Geological Museum owns 500 thousand specimens and Geological Library of PGI-NRI has gathered about 140 thousand volumes of books and journals.
PGI-NRI laboratories perform comprehensive analytical tests that determine the chemical composition and physical properties of solids and liquids, as well as mechanical and filtration properties and magnetic susceptibility of soils and rocks. PGI-NRI laboratories have received accreditation from the Polish Centre for Accreditation for chemical research of water, soil, sediments, rocks, biological objects intended for research and agricultural products, as well as for chemical research and sampling of water and soil, and for research of physical properties of soil, sediments and rocks.
Groundwater, landslide and geodynamic monitoring networks represent an important field of activity of PGI-NRI. Modeling tasks at PGI-NRI are carried out by the 3-D Structure Modeling Group and Computational Geology Laboratory.
Contact: Marcin Dąbrowski, D. Sc. Assoc. Prof.
Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute
4. Rakowiecka Str.
00-975 Warszawa