Earth Sciences
Space Science
Social Geography
Thesis title: Investigating backgrounds in dark matter searches: Argon-37 activation and cosmogenic neutron suppression in the DarkSide experiments
Supervised by dr hab. Marcin Kuźniak and dr hab. Masayuki Wada
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Radiative simulations of moderately magnetized accreting pulsars as ultraluminous X-ray sources
Supervised by prof. Włodzimierz Kluźniak, dr Miljenko Čemeljić
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Comprehensive study of low-mass Compact Hierarchical Triples using Eclipsing Binaries
Supervised by dr hab. Krzysztof Hełminiak
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Search for Dark Matter with Liquid Argon Detectors
Supervised by dr hab. Marcin Kuźniak and dr Davide Franco
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Morphology of Circumnuclear Accreting Gas in Active Galactic Nuclei
Supervised by dr hab. Alex Markowitz
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: The origin of binary black hole mergers
Supervised by prof. Tomasz Bulik
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Dense matter properties and neutron star modelling
Supervised by prof. Leszek Zdunik and dr Micaela Oertel
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Identification of Characteristic Features of Seismic Processes as a Tool for Differentiating Tectonic Phenomena from Human-Induced Events.
Modeling the Impact of Human Activity on Stress State Changes in the Rock Mass and Their Influence on Tremor Clustering.
Supervised by dr hab. Grzegorz Lizurek
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Multi-scale interactions in the tropical atmosphere
Supervised by dr hab. Krzysztof Mizerski, dr Dariusz Baranowski
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Limitations of first P-wave onset method of full seismic moment tensor inversion and impact on effective application in anthropogenic seismicity studies
Supervised by dr hab. Grzegorz Lizurek
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: The role of human footprint in shaping drought dynamics. Hydrological modelling approaches
Supervised by dr hab. Krzysztof Kochanek, dr Emilia Karamuz
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Assessing Catchment Sediment Yield under Land Cover/Use Changes: the Case Study of the Fincha Watershed (Fincha Dam Reservoir, Ethiopia)
Supervised by dr hab. Michael Nones
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Ewaluacja i optymalizacja lokalnych sieci sejsmicznych pracujących w warunkach płytkiej i intensywnej aktywności sejsmicznej w celu poprawienia dokładności lokalizacji wstrząsów
Supervised by dr hab. Łukasz Rudziński
Abstract of the PhD thesis
Thesis title: Modeling Magnetized Jets from Accreting Black Holes
Supervised by Prof. Agnieszka Janiuk
Abstract of the PhD thesis